The cold months are here! You have smiled as you felt your first cold front of the year, you’ve walked down the aisles of the holiday section, you’ve started drinking your favorite hot drink, and you’ve changed your wardrobe into warm layers. The question though is, have you changed your skincare regimen yet? As the seasons change, we change our habits and clothes, but our skincare regimen has to change, too!
Different weather means our skin needs us to aid it in different ways. Remember that when the temperature and humidity drops, the air becomes dry and cold, which results in the moisture in your skin evaporating. If you don’t do anything about it or use the same summer regimen, you’ll find your skin feeling tight, flaking and eventually even cracking, especially if you keep layering on all the antioxidants and hyperpigmentation fighters. Now is the time for your regimen to contain heavy hydration products, as well as calming products. Here are some of my favorite products to add to regimens during fall and winter. Remember though that everyone’s skin is different, and I can create a custom regimen for you, so reach out!

A few other things that your skin will thank you for during this year are staying away from scalding hot showers. I know they feel amazing when it’s cold outside, but they will dry your skin out quicker. It will be especially bad for your skin if it’s already experiencing dryness or cracking!
Also, use fragrance-free products, detergents, etc. I personally believe you should keep your skin away from fragrance all year round, but during the cold it is especially important to keep your skin away from it! Again, it will speed up the drying out of your skin and cause redness & irritation.
Don’t over exfoliate! When your skin is dry your first thought is “let me get all this flaking off”. Yes, you need to exfoliate in between professional treatments, but not as often as you think. Plus, it needs to be the right exfoliating product to not cause irritation.
Add a humidifier to your room! Create an environment that your skin can rest from the harsh outside air. Start with a low percentage until you find the right setting for you.
Even in South Texas your skin will need some extra fall & winter care! Don’t wait until your elasticity is struggling, your skin is cracked and your confidence is dwindling. Make the easy skincare changes now!