I always recommend my clients come in and get a professional treatment done every four weeks. Inevitably during this time we are sweating, shedding dead skin, and clogging our pores. All normal and natural things! If we want to achieve our skincare goals, monthly professional facial visits, as well as a proper at-home maintenance regimen, are necessary.
Everyday life takes a toll on our skin, internally and externally. On the inside, our gut is working overtime to rebalance because of things like our diet, anxiety and stress. On the outside, we are turning over skin cells while fighting UVA/UVB rays.
At around four weeks a build up of dead skin really starts to effect our pores. In return, this alters the texture, appearance, and hydration level of our skin. Not to mention the creation of fine lines & wrinkles! At the end of the day, our skin is the storybook of our lives, and really shows it all.
During a facial your skin is treated for the specific story it has endured over the previous month. By doing so, each specific treatment helps keep wrinkles, lackluster skin, and dark circles at bay.
What is your skin telling you? Live your life a little less stress, and start your monthly skincare regimen today!